Making Dreams Come True


Through The Lexington Foundation, Lexington’s “Making Dreams Come True” program provides up to $5,000 per year to fund special wishes, needs or projects for program participants. Applications for the program are accepted year-round. Please call (518) 661-9932 or email for an application.

Here are just a few examples of special projects that were funded by this program:

  • Rose, a woman who came from a battered women’s shelter, was able to purchase items she needed and move into her own apartment.

  • Douglas was able to purchase an iPod Touch, which helps him communicate with his employer and co-workers.

  • Joe, with a Lexington staff member, was able to fly to Florida to attend his father’s funeral service.

Our goal is to enable individuals with disabilities to balance their day-to-day struggles with the belief that dreams can come true. With your help, we’ve already done so much. But there's still so much to do. Help us do more.